Monday, December 21, 2015

RAVEN-X Online Ghost Box App - Beta Test #2

Paranormal West - Yost Theater Real Ghost Footage

Paranormal West - Ritz Hotel Real Ghost Footage

Paranormal West - Hermosa Gardens Cemetery Real Ghost Footage

Paranormal West - Graber Olive House Real Ghost Footage

Paranormal West - Black Star Canyon Real Ghost Footage

Paranormal West - Rialto Historical Society Real Ghost Footage

Paranormal West - Steve Huff Portal Effect using Android Phone

Paranormal West - P.R.I.S.M.S. The Cemetery Real Ghost Footage

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Paranormal West - Oak Park Cemetery 2 Real Ghost footage

Paranormal West - Patterson House Real Haunted House

Paranormal West Intro Season 2

Paranormal West - Hemet Theater Real Ghost Footage

Paranormal West - Founder's Park AKA Dead Man's Park 2nd Investigation

Paranormal West - Old LA Zoo Real Ghost Footage

Paranormal West - Goodsprings Cemetery EVP caught on video

Paranormal West - Hooters Las Vegas Part 3 Ghost Box Session

Paranormal West - Green Valley Park Las Vegas Part 2 Real Ghost Footage

Paranormal West - Sunset Park Las Vegas Part 1 Real Ghost Footage

Paranormal West - Oak Park Cemetery Real Ghost footage (S)

Paranormal West - Queen Mary Part II

Paranormal West - King Richards Antique Store Ghost Box Session

Paranormal West - Hollydale Insane Asylum Ghost Box Session

Paranormal West - How to turn a Radio Shack 12 - 589 into a Ghost Box

Paranormal West - Star of India REAL GHOST FOOTAGE

PARANORMAL WEST - Queen Mary 2015 Real Ghost Footage

PARANORMAL WEST - SPIRIT BOX SESSION Whittier Founder's Park aka Dead Ma...

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Meaning of Colors for Paranormal Ghost Orbs

One of the most highly debated phenomena in paranormal circles are ghost orbs. Some paranormal researchers believe they are visible evidence of spirits. However, many other researchers doubt whether orb are ghosts at all. No one knows whether spirits are able to consciously harness this energy or not, but orbs are often witnessed at locations where some form of paranormal activity has reportedly taken place.

What are Ghostly Orbs?

Orbs are very common in paranormal photography and video. In digital photography, orbs are a known artifact of the process. The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP) explains this in their case study on Orb Zone Theory. In the many cases of digital and film photography where colored orbs appear, the phenomena may associate with the subtle coloring of the camera's lens. Other items can cause orbs to appear could include the following: reflective surfaces, dust, rain, water spots, and bugs. In video, infrared lights can reflect off of these same objects and give them a "lighted orb-like appearance." For these particular reasons, many paranormal researchers do not consider orbs as paranormal evidence because there are too many natural world explanations for them.
However, it is a possibility that some orbs could be paranormal in nature. This may be particularly true of orbs seen with the naked eye, especially those that appear to have their own light source and unusual patterns of travel.

Ghost Orb Colors and possibly their meaning 

There are many theories about what different color orbs mean, with many colors potentially meaning a variety of things. Interpretation of the colors varies according to different beliefs. However, in most cases, people interpreting orb colors and assigning a meaning do so based on spiritual beliefs about the meaning of various colors. It is important to note that these are spiritual theories only and have no basis in scientific fact.
One theory of orbs with different colors is that spirits are manifesting in the best way they can. In these cases, the colors may have no meaning at all, or a spirit could be trying to communicate something with the color. Use your own feelings as a barometer to see what you believe the orb and its color means to you. If you're still looking for guidance, some common interpretations follow.

Clear Orbs

Clear orbs may be a sign that an entity is trying to communicate with you. The spirit may be trying to let the living know that some kind of significant event happened in that location, and that the spirit wants help to move on.

White or Silver Orbs

Spiritually, white or silver is associated with spirituality and connection with a higher source. Some investigators believe orbs that are either white or silver in appearance are an indication that a spirit is trapped on this plane. It may also be a sign that the spirit is there to offer protection to the people in the area. White energy is typically perceived as highly positive in nature.

Black or Brown Orbs

Spiritually, many feel that black or brown colors are associated with lower spiritual vibrations or heavy energy. Some people interpret this as evil, although it isn't necessarily the case. When black or brown orbs appear, some investigators interpret them as a sign the area may be unsafe or negative in nature. Examine such a place with caution, and if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, leave.

Red or Orange Orbs

From a spiritual perspective, red and orange colors are associated with safety and security, as well as a sense of belonging. While these warm colors are often associated with strong emotions such as anger and passion, this may not be the case when it comes to ghost orbs. Some paranormal investigators believe that a red or orange orb is a sign that an entity has assumed the role of a protector. This could be someone who was charged in life to keep watch or be a caretaker.

Green Orbs

In spiritual practice, green is associated with the heart. It is also associated with nature. Green orbs are sometimes thought to be an indication of the presence of a human spirit, as opposed to one that was never on Earth in human form. Likewise, green orbs may represent love or oneness with nature.

Blue Orbs

Blue is spiritually associated with psychic energy and truth. It is a very calming color, and many people associate it with spiritual guidance. Some people feel blue orbs are are sign of a calming presence or energy, while others feel they indicate the presence of a spirit guide in that location.

Use Ghost Orb Information Carefully

While the jury is still out on whether or not ghost orbs are truly caused by paranormal activity or if they are merely dust flecks left on a camera's lens, remember that most information about ghost orb colors comes from theory rather than science. While many researchers have compiled data on ghost orbs and their various colors, no one can be exactly certain about their meaning. Remember to keep this in mind as you work with the paranormal.
information retrieved from :

Pictures of Ghost Orbs from the Whaley House in San Diego, CA

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Investigation for Paranormal Activity at El Campo Santo Cemetery, San Diego CA

On April 18th 2015, I took a trip to Old Town, San Diego CA to research a couple of places known for paranormal activity.  The tours were delayed at the Whaley House so I decided to spend some time at the El Campo Cemetery which is located a block south from the Whaley House.  It seems to be less of a cemetery scene, and more of a tourist area with numerous people being in the vicinity. Even haunted tours are directed toward the cemetery on a daily basis. One thing that I found interesting is that my EVP device picked up multiple communications in Spanish.  I am not stating that it was conclusive evidence since mostly hispanics are buried at the cemetery, but the communication device had not done that prior at any of my previous locations. Unfortunately, I did not video or audio record any of the events that took place, but I did take photos of the cemetery.  

In this particular photo you will see some orbs to the right of the woman.  Please note that they were not in any of my previous photos and I have not found a way to debunk where the mysterious orbs came from.  

What is Paranormal West?

What is Paranormal West? We are a paranormal investigative team focusing to discover and gather substantial evidence that paranormal phenomena does exist.  If anyone has any interests in joining our team please contact Dr. Christopher D. Bobbitt at